Behavior Policy


Melton Public Library

Behavior Policy

The Melton Public Library is committed to providing the community with excellent service in a welcoming environment. To accomplish this, the following behavior policy has been adopted.


The following behaviors will result in staff intervention:

1. Possession of or under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances

2. Not wearing shoes or shirts

3. Use of audible equipment that is disruptive

4. Playing on the elevator

5. Misuse of restrooms

6. Loud, obscene or abusive language

7. Smoking or use of other tobacco products anywhere on library property

8. Leaving children under the age of eight unsupervised

9. Littering

10. Sexual behavior

11. Rough housing, fighting or challenging to fight

12. Selling, soliciting or loitering on library property

13. Vandalism or theft of any library property

14. Interfering with security cameras

15. Possession of weapons on library property


*Minor infractions will be dealt with by a warning. More serious infractions may result in having to leave library property immediately. Infractions that are repeated may result in being banned from library property for 1 week to 6 months. During suspension, juveniles may visit the library only in the constant presence of a parent or legal guardian.

*Interfering with security cameras will automatically result in a 3 month suspension.

*Individuals may be banned for up to 1 year for major offenses.

*Individuals engaged in illegal activity may be banned from library property until such time as the individual requests an appeal, in writing, of the ban.

*Letters may be sent to parents of juveniles who are not complying with the behavior policy to inform them of problems and the consequences.

*Library staff may call law enforcement officials for assistance when required.

Administration of this policy is at the discretion of the Library Director.