By-Laws of the Board of Trustees

Article I: Membership

1.   In accordance with the provisions of IC 36-12, the Library Board of the Melton Public Library shall consist of seven (7) members chosen for their fitness for public library trusteeship.

2.   Members shall be appointed by the following authorities:

Three (3) by the Springs Valley School Board

Two (2) by the Orange County Commissioners

Two (2) by the Orange County Council

3.   Members shall be appointed for four (4) year terms and may serve a maximum of four (4) consecutive terms.


Article II: Officers and Committees

1.   Officers of the Board shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

2.  The officers shall be elected at the January meeting for a term of one year. Vacancies in office shall be filled by election at the next regular meeting of the Board after the vacancy occurs.

3.  Committees will be appointed as needed.

4.  Duties of the Board of Trustees:

The Library Board of Trustees shall:

a.   Govern and set all written policies for the library. It has the power to make all rules and regulations for the discharge of its responsibility. It governs the library through its action as a whole and not through individual instruction.

b.  Employ a competent and qualified full time library Director with the education and experience required by certification under 590 IAC 5 to carry out its policies and shall evaluate the Director on an annual basis. Other employees of the Melton Public Library shall be hired and dismissed by the Director in accordance with the personnel manual and budgetary limitations and policies established by the Board. The library shall endeavor to recruit and select the best qualified people for positions. Recruitment and selection shall be conducted in an affirmative manner to insure open competition, provide equal employment opportunity and prohibit discrimination.

c.  Plan for the future of the library in light of the needs of the community, securing adequate facilities and funds to carry out the library’s program of service.

d.  Monitor and evaluate the overall effectiveness of the library.

e.  Act as an advocate for the library in the community and actively support library legislation.

f.  Monitor financial affairs of the library by discussing and approving the proposed annual budget, studying monthly financial reports, and approving all claims lawfully incurred on behalf of the library.

g.  Attend Board meetings as often as possible. When a member of the Board of Trustees has been absent without notice from three (3) regular meetings within a year, the President may notify the appointing authority of such absences, suggesting that consideration be given to a replacement on the Board of Trustees.

h.  Classify employees and adopt schedules of salaries all with the recommendation and advice of the library Director.

i.  Comply with IN code 35-44-1-3 regarding all conflicts of interest and declare any conflict of interest between their personal life and their position of the library Board and avoid voting on issues that appear to be a conflict of interest.

j.  Not divulge privileged information.


Article III: Meetings

1.   The Board of Trustees of the Melton Public Library will meet on the last Monday of each month at 5:30 PM in the library. Special meetings may be called by the President whenever necessary.

2.  All meeting agendas will be posted at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.

3.  Board meetings shall be held in accordance with the Open Door Law of Indiana.

4.  Four members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. A majority vote of any quorum present shall pass any resolution or motion.

5.  Robert’s Rules of Order, last revised edition, shall govern parliamentary procedure.


Article IV: Director

1.   The Director of the Melton Public Library shall possess an Indiana Library Certification IV license or higher.

2.  The Director shall:

a.   Be responsible for the administration and management of the library.

b.  Implement all policies adopted by the Board with responsibility for supervising personnel and recommending such policies and procedures that will promote and improve library service.

c.  Attend all Board meetings and prepare the agenda and monthly usage and financial reports.

d.  Prepare an annual budget for the Board’s approval.

e.  Be knowledgeable about library laws and actively support library legislation.

f.  Participate in continuing professional education opportunities.


Article V: Nepotism

1.   The library will not employ the spouse, child, parent, or sibling of the Director or these relatives of any member of the Board.

Article VII: Authority and Purpose

1.  The Board shall govern the Library, a municipal corporation and Class C library organized under the public provisions, according to the purposes and authority set forth in IC 36-12, as amended, and such other Indiana and Federal Laws as affect the operation of the library.

2.  Members of the Board of Trustees shall serve without compensation, except that the Treasurer may be paid, per IC 36-12-2-21. A Board member may not serve as a paid employee of the public library.

3.  Necessary travel and/or meal expenses of any Board member incurred in the interest and business of the library may be reimbursed out of library funds, per policy or board resolution. Such travel on behalf of the Library shall be approved by the Board.

4.  The Board may engage legal counsel as needed for legal advice. The President of the Board or the library Director may request the legal opinions of legal counsel for any matter which comes within the jurisdiction of the Board, and shall report the opinion to the Board.


Article VIII: Amendments

These by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees with a quorum present, by majority vote of the members present, providing the amendment was stated in the agenda for the meeting.


Revised April 2013