

OverDrive is the world’s largest online database of digital eBooks, Audio books, and videos and it is free with your library card!


To get you started, you’ll need to have your library card and your pin number handy. (You were given a 4-digit pin when you joined the library.  Can’t find it?  No worries….  Just stop on by and we’ll give you another.  Easy!)

Next, you will have to open “an account” on the OVERDRIVE site.  (CLICK on link above.)  This is where you will use your library card number and your pin number. A blue and white page with lots of book covers pops up: eIndiana Digital Consortium…which just means all the participating “Evergreen” Indiana libraries are also participating in this digital process of downloading as well.  CLICK on Account (top right, person icon) and type in Melton Library as your home library and then your card and pin numbers.  That’s it!  Your account is set up!

When the first page of your account comes up, you will see the top 1/3 looks familiar… but below you will find your “book shelf,” “holds,” “lists,” and “settings.” As you download books, audio books, or videos, the number will appear in you “book shelf.”  If a book isn’t available at that time,  you will be asked if you would like to hold for it.  When it becomes available, Overdrive will send you an email or call you.  (For more information, the help button is up top should  you need it.)  If you don’t know a title and need to look up a book, click on the menu button and it will appear!  Make your selection.  A new page will come up with instructions on the left and book covers/titles on the right.

Now, you will need a way in which to read or listen to your eBook, audiobook, or video.  OverDrive Read, Listen, and Streaming video lets you do that right in your browser, right then and there!  But, if you want to download to your Kindle or iPad, you will need to install a free Over Drive App to find, borrow, and enjoy titles on your device.  Scroll down towards the bottom of the page and you should see OverDrive “get the app.”  (Use the help button if necessary.  You must download the app onto one or all of your devises to be able to enjoy the titles you pick!)